on August 16, 2023
After the massive destruction by fire and wind in Maui Hawaii and the lack of government aid and leadership by our president I decided today we are going to Investigate the Us Government to find out if rumors are true about how this tragic fire began how it was ignited rumors are claiming there is video proof a DEW Military weapon was used on the island community to steal the land from the natives who own it purchased by elites of the world and a few crooked politicians on the island and in Washington and other states in the USA to include a few globally meeting an agenda for climate change. For close to a decade, I have been solving some of the greatest mysteries known to mankind with undeniable proof. I will meet this new Challege face to face, if need be, to solve this question - this mystery I will not put a timeline on this. I will not quit till it solved I will expose the truth and who or what is responsible somehow some way there is an answer for all mysteries on earth this one is no differant.
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