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Female. Lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States.
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  • August 15, 2023
    this morning I'm thinking how great it would be to pay $2.10 for gas and read a mean but highly accurate tweet.❤️🇺🇲 smh. Can I get a - damn right? lol
    6 people like this.
    6 users reacted this
    Damn Right and I will throw in a Southern Hell Yeah, too!2665.png
  • July 17, 2022
    Can we talk on what
  • September 12, 2022
    I noticed that you live in Frederick, MD. I lived in Laurel, MD, for 17 years, and my wife & I always enjoyed taking trips to Frederick & the surrounding area.
    2 people like this.
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    . . .about
    3 people like this.
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    Very sad. Gun control is about the good guy, who can shoot, that pops the bad guy who is trying to kill the innocents. It's as simple as that. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep bad guys from getting guns.
  • July 6, 2022
  • July 6, 2022
    . . .which makes it imperative that law-abiding citizens can also acquire guns - for protection.
  • July 6, 2022
    B‌uy as many as you can afford along with as much ammo as you can get your hands on.
  • July 6, 2022
    Terrible loss. We need to start talking about government control --stopping radicals creating crime zones in major cities to facilitate drugs prostitution and murder - democrats are everything evil about our nation. We believe in one nation under God. democrats believe in one nation run by the devil... View More
  • July 6, 2022
    Don't forget about sling shots, bow/arrow....
  • July 10, 2022
    so further joy-breaking, in the lobby of my residence (deep blue state ugh) they have (for the first time) hung up a gay pride flag - sorry if that terminology is incorrect as I'm not fluent in transg... View More
    13 people like this.
    13 users reacted this
    You just can't keep up with everything they're calling everybody now I don't even try. It's all for attention and I'm a little tired of all of their flags.
  • June 24, 2022
    ‌ Agreed! 1f621.png
  • July 10, 2022
    Sophie, you just have to figure out what pisses them off the most, the do the HELL out of it.
  • June 30, 2022
    Quique - Billyboy‌ Love it! 1f609.png
  • July 10, 2022
    Yes, every day that I drive past the government buildings near my home here in Denver, Colorado, I am met with the gay pride flags hanging prominently and, in some instances, more prominently than or in place of our American flags. Makes me sick. The LGBTQ+ (or whatever community it goes by now) usu... View More
  • July 2, 2022 Edited
    ‌ Well said!! "The LGBTQ+ (or whatever community it goes by now)" --Yep, I don't even try to keep up with the constantly changing woke vocab. I just refer to them as "the alphabet people."
  • July 10, 2022
    GOD will deal with that when time comes.
  • July 2, 2022
    ‌ Your comment reminds me of an Alan Jackson song 'Just-a-swingin'....lol There will be lots of that in the near future after the second version of the Nuremberg Trials concludes. Actually, Just-a-swingin' is the ONLY part that gives me hope of JUSTICE.
  • July 3, 2022
  • July 3, 2022
    What are they like 3% of the population?
  • July 4, 2022
    Who died and made them boss. Do whatever they want in private. Just don’t shove it in my conservative face!
  • July 4, 2022
    hpowders‌ Exactly!
  • July 10, 2022
    they don't have the grace and dignity to keep any of that private, instead they insist on trying to shove it down everyone's throat
  • July 5, 2022
    ‌ They are like 3 year olds trapped in adult bodies. They can't win, they throw tantrums.
  • July 5, 2022
    If you are worried about terminology you're already in trouble. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If I can't determine the pronoun I always insert "AssHole" by default.
  • July 5, 2022 Edited
    Eagle-Soul - ✝️ 🗡Z
  • July 5, 2022
  • July 10, 2022
    My wife & I were glad to leave the leftists, libretards, & DEMONcRATs in Maryland 3 years ago and move down to deep-red SW Louisiana. Let's go, Brandon (in Cajun Country):
  • July 10, 2022
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