I fear and Trust God, am absolutely against the establishments corruption and depravity, I believe t... View More
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Good News, VERY Bad News, More Solar Shockwaves Coming | S0 News May.12.2024
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If only people would stop getting their information from their phones, laptops and tablets and start forming their opinions around actual data, actual observable, "real" data. A guy stating his opinio... View More
Population Collapse: US Birth Rate Plunges to All-Time Low as Unexpected Deaths Accelerate
The US birth rate has plunged to the lowest level since records began, according to a new report by the National Center for Health Statistics.
We are entering a time of anomalous cooling; the earth is NOT warming. As time goes on we will endure cooler and cooler years, as the data already, absolutely and empirically show. The idea that CO2 i... View More
Astrophysicist Warns 'New Ice Age Has Begun' Due To Reduced Solar Activity
A noted astrophysicist says that due to changing solar activity, the Earth is heading into a new Little Ice Age and 'there’s nothing we can do about it.'
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, RavenRebel reacted this
Remeber the movie, "Mars Attacks" (I think) When the martians were running around telling people to remain calm and that they were their friends WHILST also killing them all? Yeah, that's your governm... View More
UK Gov’t Issues Dire Warning: ‘Vaccinated Youth Are Dying in Unprecedented Numbers’
The UK government has warned that vaccinated young people are dying in unprecedented numbers since the mRNA COVID jab rollout.
So, just so you know, when these authors add links to studies and articles with empirical data, the data mean nothing to the person who does not actually study them. This article presents empirical da... View More
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