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Male. Lives in Panama City Beach, Florida, United States. 73 years old. Is married.
About Me
Vietnam Vet; ODS/S Vet; Retired Military; Retired Assembler Language Coder; Retired z/OS Staff Engin... View More
I don’t know you but I wish we had more neighbors like you. I’ve said a prayer for the pregnant friend and her husband. God Bless you for what you do.
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It is important during these trying times people look after one another. I am very fortunate to have a like minded neighbor who helped others expecting nothing in return. He is up and slowly walking around but weakens quickly. His doctor is monitoring him closely. Something I had not witnessed sinc... View More
  • November 27, 2021
    I’ve been driving my neighbors wife to/from the hospital but not been able to get in personally to see him. My wife and I knew he was off limits to us and we were there to support his wife. Monday, we... View More
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    I am so frustrated regarding this jab mandate. My neighbor (with a child on the way) is not improving after his jab requirement to keep his job and his pregnant wife is understandably a basket case. I... View More
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    I’m outa here except to randomly check in occasionally so if I miss a post/reply please understand my attention has been drawn to where my assistance is needed.
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    Just spent the last two nights and days helping my perfectly healthy 32 year old neighbor who just had his 2nd jab a week ago accept his jab ramifications. His wife came knocking telling me he had got... View More
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