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Female. Lives in Hanna, Wyoming, United States. Born on October 31. Is married.
About Me
AMERICAN, Conservative, Christian, pro Law Enforcement, pro Country, pro Military, MAGA Trump suppor... View More
Isn't this kind of funny! Our liar n thief would like to get rid of the 2nd amendment. He wants to get rid of 9mm handguns and so called assault rifles. Now, Trudeau wants to get rid of all new purcha... View More
Nothing but a photo op and everyone knows it. He will be using it to push for abolition of the 2nd amendment. Demonrats have pushed this agenda for years. Schools need to be protected just like our po... View More
Oh why not! You have got to be kidding! Would you buy this for your little girl? Barbie has gone to the trash barrel. Hope they lose their ass on this one.https://townhall.com/tipsheet/madelineleesm... View More
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