on December 14, 2021 51 views
If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions.
Initial Process
For those interested in joining your state assembly, it is strongly urged to visit the two websites that promote our endeavors in the state you reside and throughout the other forty-nine states.
These two sites are: (I would look through this one first as it gives a great overview of our intentions and why we do them), then go to;, and review this site as it gives greater detail to our purpose and objectives (For a quick intro, click on “more”, then on “50 States”, then “Learn More”, then scroll down to “Links for Continued Education”. Here, you will find a wealth of information!)
If you are interested in formally joining our assembly you must fill out the necessary documents. These documents change your political status from a US Citizen to an American State National, removing yourself from the sea jurisdiction back to the land/soil jurisdiction. Search for your state you live in on and contact your state coordinator for further assistance.
* Video Credit: Thank you to Jared on Jefferson @ Colorado Assembly
You can also declare your status on the Colorado Assembly website @
1.  Create your account with email and password
2.  Create your profile
3.  Pay 25$ to enable you to create documents. Choose the correct package that fits you. The 928 packet includes Deed of Reconveyance, Certificate of Assumed name
4.  Once you pay the 25$, you will show up in the LRS as ready for the Recording Secretary. You can print your documents if you choose, and get Notarized with local Notary Public, you still have to get a hold of the recording secretary to be able to post on the LRS and get your credential card.
5.  Once you print the forms, I suggest getting a hold of the recording secretaries, as they can help you fill out your paperwork and get it signed correctly. (Hopefully).
6.  Once the recording secretaries publish your documents to the LRS (block chain), you can pay another 35$ to the LRS to order your credential card.
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