on March 25, 2024 3 views
What many people still don't know is that the Federal Reserve Banks are no more a part of the government than Federal Express. The FED is owned by private corporations. No one knows who they all are. It's a secret.
The fact is that the FED controls a commodity called money. They regulate it and use it to control the economy. The recession we are in is not by accident. It was carefully orchestrated to force the population of the planet into a one world currency - which hasn't happened yet - and ultimately a one world government.
They were taking baby steps early on, now they are taking larger steps because their plan is not coming together as quickly as they would like due to the information war leaning toward the side of the people.
So what questions about the FED can the chairman of the FED not answer? Does he not know the answer, or does he not WANT to answer because it would shine light on the actual actions of the FED?
These are some clips of Alan Greenspan admitting he doesn't answer some questions by the congress. He also admits the function of the FED like printing money from nothing. He admits that the FED is an independent corporation answerable to no one, audited by no one and they cannot be indicted by any court of law. They can do what they want, when they want. And they do.
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well how wrong is this?
  • March 25, 2024