The Bearded Patriots
on June 4, 2022 13 views
The PDB Show: Ep 253 National PTSD Awareness Month; Understanding PTSD. With the emergence of recent tragedies in this nation, I think it’s time to cover once again the topic of PTSD. All across the news and social media, you are hearing about how this month, June, is LGBT Pride month. What you may NOT know, because it’s not chic enough, popular enough, or even woke enough is this same month is also National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month. Even though PTSD treatments work, most people who have PTSD don't get the help they need. In this episode, we are going to discuss PTSD as a means to help all sufferers; first responders, military veterans, and normal people with normal jobs to navigate the highly stigmatized mental health diagnosis of PTSD. What is it? Why does it affect my life the way it does? Lastly, how can I navigate out of the darkness of PTSD to being able to manage my symptoms and bring a ray of light into my life? Join me tonight RIGHT HERE at 5:00pm CST or listen in on,, or Military Broadcast Radio. Get your mind right and join the discussion TONIGHT! See you there.
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  • June 4, 2022