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Male. Lives in Bartlett, Tennessee, United States. Born on August 10, 1947. Is married.
About Me
Born and raised a firm conservative, I believe in doing right and being punished for doing wrong. I ... View More
Good morning all Right Only folks and friends- may your life be great!
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Good morning, folks, just remember 0=bidum is in charge-LOL.
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Bye, Mitch & good riddance!
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McCarthy is going in but in a limited lame duck under control position! He wanted power but will he behave and do what he says he will do? That is the question!
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RINO or not RINO? Time will tell.
  • January 6, 2023 Edited
    He is a controlled rino for now!
  • January 6, 2023
    Vote count is up to 213 for McCarthy, he is on his knees now for sure, it ain't funny but it is LOL. Those last five votes are going to really cost him but be good for us. If, If he gets them!
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