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Male. Lives in Thousand Oaks, California, United States. Born on May 25, 1940. Is married.
About Me
Conservaive writer and philosophe.
There we have it America a dissertation of our constitutional democratic republic in plain English terms, by Dinesh D’Souza on rumble.com, and it’s quite understandable. What the US Constitution allow... View More
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I like that, REJECTED AND EJECTED!! in November.
  • March 1, 2022
    has reached the next level.
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    Democrats are a political party of war monger's They’re always trying to keep America off-balance by sending its young men off to war. Now they’re going to do it again and we’re gonna lose men again. ... View More
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    Democrats don't like America, it's hard to tell who they like. Perhaps the only thing that makes Democrats happy is the buck in their hand and the power that bribery gives them. And they are defini... View More
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    I am a philosophe. America is a product of the Eighteenth-Century Enlightenment. That group of philosophers who broke the bonds of an overly suppressive and often murderous church of that time. They... View More
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