M Colin B Sterling
on October 11, 2021
I've posted this once before... so, I please check it out. These are the "Villains" - the "Criminals" - and they were taken from "The Plot Against The President" which aired on Amazon Prime a few months ago (or last year). It was an hour and a half documentary and it took me about 4 hours to jot down all the names of people, organizations, agencies, media groups, etc. and this is the list in which I developed based off that documentary (being said in the documentary):
#ImpeachBiden #CoverUp #ElectionFraud #VoterFraud #PresidentTrump #PresidentDonaldTrump #ReElectPresidentTrump #ReElectDonaldTrump #Trump2024 #TrumpGaetz2024
Dimension: 828 x 1008
File Size: 267.26 Kb
4 people like this.
W0W, this is a detailed & compresensive list. Thx.
  • October 11, 2021
    M Colin B Sterling
    Faithfully_Urs‌- Needless to say- it was actually a lot of work - watching the documentary for 4+ hours - pausing and going back to hear the name of the person, group, agency, etc. My career has helped me do this kind of work in my personal life. Ha Ha
  • October 11, 2021
    Great work & good job true Patriot!
  • October 11, 2021
    M Colin B Sterling
    Faithfully_Urs‌ - Thank you very much.
  • October 11, 2021