on March 29, 2024
Information: People need to understand killing off livestock is killing off Our foods and for some or many domestic animals
This is the form the false government that is not limited government has been okayed to kill/slaughter/maim/for no other reason in the name of health. Farm-a This we have been allowing this for many decades. No more. All done with murdering for their purpose/their false means is of Our demise.
Why or why not Where When How come Because
These are in questions of what we need to realize that needs to stop and lawsuit the false government for making accusations of Animals. From false flu, to mad cow to meat contamination to chickens.
We need a local testing that is independent and not going to be roughed up by manipulated false government, what is true is true. What is/are false accusations are/of about killing foods to what 1 might want to call it. The ranchers livestock, the lifestyle needs and necessities. Also, deer issues and any other so-called sickness is not 100% honest. Mostly lies to kill, maim with shots to creams to using products that cost a lot of monies and that truly have negative effects for animals by design. From dogs to cats to any other domestic animal we have.
What issues do they have and what is happening with them? 1 stop all shots through the system of Pharm-a/Farm-a. 6 months later if not right away you will see side effects. Some people don't watch for signs as they need to be shown.
1st shot for a baby is diabetes shot? Why. Well in ethics and biome this shot breaks down immunity, so many steps Our false government maims Us people's to Our loved 1’s animals.
With Our technology now a days we can factual test health in the whole sphere of Our biology, chemistry, cellular structure, gut, head to toe ”HOMEOPATHY/HOLISTIC”.
The only way to live is keeping the animals and people healthy. ”Nutrient Testing” is the 1 way we can test what the animal and of people are healthy of nutritional value. We need to help people learn what ”Regenerative Health” is and means. List the testing strategies with no doctor vitis. Order online packets and send it out to safe labs to be tested.
Factual answers and simple results. No more government so called in Our ways.
Many walks of life people need to remember and be trained on how to stay healthy in natural form. People and animals have been born to deserve to have a shot of manipulation of immunity/DNA/BIOME/cellular structure to be messed with by greed and by Unethical guidance.
How to move forward for all people's and animals in proper
”Regenerative Health”. Our future learning is in ”Quantum of all things. Manipulation of life in All areas is due to false Government allowed to be paid off by PHARM-a and FARM-a. Let's change and help ”We The People” moving forward into Limited Government. Learn.
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Ever notice that they always use some disease where they have to destroy all of them, and you can never disprove what they claim. Don't trust anything the government says as far as trying to keep you safe.
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