swampnut K4VMD
on August 5, 2022
Nicole Morgan
17 minutes ago
For months now, I've been hearing people say, "But why is Gates buying up all the farmland?" So I thought, maybe there are just so many out there that don't understand what Agenda 21 really is...
I learned about Agenda 21 back around 2003, and I thought it was a bit wild, but it always stayed with me, because it was so disturbing. And I believe in "Questioning Everything"...
Now we are starting to see all the puzzle pieces take shape, and the image is being made clearer...
The United Nations plans to give most of the land back to Nature, to 'Mother Earth' aka 'Gaia'. It's a global plan!
If you don't know what Agenda 21 is, it's time you go look it up. It started long ago, but they adopted it in 1992. Remember they renamed it the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, making it more palatable to hear than some type of an 'agenda' right?!
"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. Adopted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on June 1992..."
Don't miss this quote here…
J. Gary Lawrence, adviser to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development said this...
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy fixated groups and individuals in our society. This segment of our society, who fear one world government and UN invasion through which our individual freedoms will be stripped away, would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined the conspiracy by undertaking Agenda 21...
So, we will call our process something else. We will call it ‘comprehensive planning’, or ‘growth management’, or ‘SMART growth’. We ended up with ‘sustainable development’...”
If you take a look at the map, you will see that the red areas, are for nature and NO humans are allowed. The lime green color is marked as Buffer Zones for highly regulated use. The orange, pink and dark green areas are for the Indian Reservations, Military and Borders. So, where do you get to live? Oh, in those neon green spots. The people behind all of this, like to use the term 'Smart Cities'. Where they want to stack and pack the people and have full control over them.
Lovely huh!
Stating that the goal is to protect 30 percent of the Earth, '30 by 30'
They claim that only 16% of the earth is protected and they need to up that. They don't want 30%, they want much much more. Take a look at these excerpts from a Vox article from last year...
"But 50 percent is a big number to stomach, especially when only 16 percent of land worldwide currently has that status (that number is much smaller for oceans). Instead, the authors of the “Global Deal for Nature” paper called for putting 30 percent in protected areas and another 20 in what they called “climate stabilization areas” — less strictly protected areas that would help draw down emissions."
“The inside story is that we thought that 50 percent by 2030 would just be unpalatable,” Dinerstein said of the target. By contrast, 30 percent, and the catchy “30 by 30” phrase, could attract the backing of lawmakers, even if it’s not some kind of precise threshold. Indeed, such a universal threshold doesn’t exist..."
“There’s no threshold where suddenly you’re going to get a magic response,” said Corey Bradshaw, a professor of ecology at Flinders University. “You’ve got to play the politics with respect to assigning particular values to targets or thresholds. At the end of the day, it has nothing to do with biology.” -Vox April 2021
It's all in the plans. The land and the food go hand in hand. Just force plant-based food, lab-grown meat, and bug protein on the people and give the land back to 'Mother Earth'...
"If everyone shifted to a plant-based diet we would reduce global land use for agriculture by 75%. This large reduction of agricultural land use would be possible thanks to a reduction in land used for grazing and a smaller need for land to grow crops." -Our World In Data
This is what they want for their new world. This is why Gates is buying up the land, so that farmers just can't have it. He's in the club! And he believes that his lab-grown meat will be the food of the future...
They don't want you to own land. Remember by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy... They are not joking….
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.” -From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
Watch and see! In the coming years, they will get what they want. The people will be forced to relocate due to a lack of food, water, jobs, weather, etc. And then they will take that land, and lock it down, in the name of protecting Mother Earth, for the 'Common Good For Our Common Home' aka Climate Change Baloney...
Right now, the Union Nations is calling this the 'Decade of Action' 2020-2030. The UN Secretary-General said "The good news is that the 2030 agenda is coming to life." Sadly, it sure is!
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Gates is promoting depopulation. One way to do this is to buy up farmland and then not use it to produce food. This will result in food shortages and subsequently mass starvation. The more farmland he controls the faster he can achieve his depopulation goals.
  • August 5, 2022