on August 3, 2022
Show the Body. Do you really believe the CIA would kill one of their allies? Moreover, supposedly al-Zawahiri's health was failing and his son is running things. I could speculate that he has the goods on all of the American Politicians, military & CEO's that participated in 9/11 @newsmax like #FauxNews is 1/2 truth 1/2 Lies.
Who is the author of confusion? The Bible says Satan.
Psalm 38:12 NKJV - 12 Those also who seek my life lay snares for me; Those who seek my hurt speak of destruction, And plan deception all the day long.
If True justice was delivered, then why is China O'Biden & Hunter not prosecuted?
Al-Qaida Leader Zawahri Killed in CIA Drone Strike; 'Justice Has Been Delivered,' Says Biden | via @Newsmax
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