on May 12, 2022
This is the old lady in PNW! I have been listening to news about the shortage on baby formula. This is just plain sad and very serious. I have an idea, could be off base but why doesn't that MAGA crowd nation wide start some kind of **baby pantry** to help those mom's that need help in finding baby formula? It could be state wide or even county. When you see it buy it and then get it to the moms in need?? You can bet your ass buttplug<span style="background-color: initial;"> of transportation isn't having the same problem. I'm going to talk to our local food bank, churches to see how I can help these moms. </span>
I'm don't care about the mom's politics but I sure as hell don't want American citizens have to go thru this! Americans are being forced into being a third world country by that pathetic joke in the Whitehouse and his freak show regime. And biden has sent pallets of formula "help illegal aliens"! The politicians are blah blah blah.. about this. Our government does not care and they sure as hell aren't in this with American citizens!
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