on August 11, 2021
Carbon 60 (C60) is one of the most powerful antioxidants known. Antioxidants enhance and moderate immune function. Antioxidants represent a therapeutic option to fight influenza. FullerLifeC60’s Patented Carbon 60 (C60) antioxidant neutralizes free radicals.
Free radicals are involved in as many as 100 human degenerative conditions and diseases, including viruses like the flu, chronic inflammation and cancer.
C60 is a naturally occurring antioxidant that can be taken as a health supplement. Take a C60 strip once a day and/or get the restorative cream for your skin.
FullerLifeC60 is the easiest and most effective way to enjoy the many benefits. FullerLifeC60 introduces the world’s first PATENTED under-the-tongue BioActiveC60 strips. Now shipping directly to you.
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