Brad Boardman
on February 28, 2022
Yes, the Lord Jesus will return - without question. No man knows the day or the hour. That's in the Bible.
When He does, though, will He find us repentant?
Most of us have yet to realize that there is a long-buried facet of repentance that relates to civic duty (which, by the way, is far more than voting on an issue or candidate).
Whereas, formerly, We The People were, due to ignorance, laziness or simply Our own evil intentions, NOT doing Our civic chores, NOW that We know what those chores are and how to do them, We ARE DOING and will continue to DO them.
If you consider yourself to be part of We The People, the collective sovereign of this Republic, and you're still in the dark about WHAT the chores are (Go ahead, let's hear them.) YOU should be in here with Us, LEARNING them.
If Jesus should return today, as so many are wont to preach, will He find you still sitting on the couch quoting the Ten Commandments, or will He find you in the harness pulling, working, actually sharing the load for returning control of this great Republic to Him and to its rightful sovereign, We The People?
If your answer is the former: Own it...and may the Lord help you.
Repentance is an ACTION word.
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  • October 25, 2022