on January 11, 2022
Namaste 🙏. On Ewer/your year to year berthed Day. Our tradition is birthed day to berth Day. This year long appreciation of the kindness of self is practiced with being of service for others. This is perpetually best utilizing one’s heart coherence for helping others unlearn. To include Vibrational expansion through behavior of selfishness. Increases significantly the vigilance For ascension awareness and the practices for Christ Consciousness in action. This is how off-Worlders sea/see/C- us. Either one’s signature frequency is within a % of 46.7 00.00, or something like this, or heart conjugation/coherent connectivity’s alignment needs improvement. Not difficult, just meditation needs more focus. Transference of heart think opposed to mind think. Try this in a sentient frame of reference. “ , {Eye} commend My mind to think with my heart.” 3X’z… usually three times during a three day meditation session.
Dimension: 384 x 347
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