on December 3, 2021
Here is another example, you have the info in this photo. It is a screenshot of my screen. Go and do the research yourself. There is no physical virus that the media is beating into our heads. This is all a fake fictional story to get you all to believe them and all the while you are essentially helping their efforts at total and complete global takeover of the New World Government. And no, nobody wants to agree to that. Policed states are nothing compared to New World Order, The UN is now the police and they are under federal regulations and rules. Remember, federal laws oversee state laws. There will be no State protections or state law enforcement, it will all be federalized. Which, with all my posts for the last couple weeks, it is pretty much explained right to you the plans on which they are already putting forward. If that federalization happens, we are in big trouble. You do not want the UN being the police. They are the things of nightmares. Read your history or browse through your kids textbooks from school, get a refresher. This is not cutesy time!!! Cutesy time is over folks!!! You need to snap out of the trance and look at this stuff. You and me and the entire world in every aspect has been lied to. Research this and see for yourself.
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