on November 24, 2021
Gentle Friends, when one comes through the RightOnly Portal one sees the words 100% Member Supported. Now, in truth, the number of those who chose to be supporters is improving. Also, in truth, there are those among our Gentle Friends who's circumstance will never allow them to support RightOnly except in Spirit and with their Prayers. I also feel it is good that our new Friends be given a chance to take RO for a test spin before stepping up (A special shout out to our Friends who make the jump right out of the gate)
I am reminded of a Meme which crosses the feed from time to time. In the top frame, titled Capitalism, there are a bunch of folk pulling a wagon with just a few (perhaps the elderly, halt and lame) riding in it. The middle Frame, titled Socialism, shows folks leaving off pulling and going to climb in the wagon. The final frame titled Communism, shows many folk in the wagon with just a few pulling it. (doesn't sound quite right, outta be Most pulling it, driven by a few with whips)
The point being "Free Speech" isn't free. RightOnly is at a critical juncture, we have suffered our first real attack. As we get better known, we can expect these to become more common. The best solution is to get better prepared to meet these attacks and that will require a lot more of those who have been riding in the wagon to step it up and start helping to pull it. Please, if it is within your means, consider doing so.
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Well Said.
  • November 24, 2021