on November 22, 2021
21 November, 2021Gentle Friends,
I was long into the night Saturday talking with Dev about the direction RightOnly was taking. You are part of a great experiment, can a Social Media site exist funded solely by members of the community, free from all outside interference and influence which comes attached with outside funding and eventually leads to all the censorship, and other BS seen on other "FreeSpeech" sites.
Now, many of you cannot afford to get verified, that is fine, you are welcome. Others have been able to get verified so that they can PM and have the Friend's only feed but are unable to do more. This is also fine, the Verified User was never meant to be a source of funding, it was to help protect members of the community from scammers, creeps and skanks (does a pretty good job too, although not perfectly)
The revenue from the verified members was also crucial at a bad time when the first upgrade was needed but to depend on it as a business plan is problematic as it requires an ever increasing enrollment with an ever increasing percentage of enrollees opting to get verified to support operations. As soon as either drops off, the whole program crashes.
Gentle Friends, success or failure of RightOnly, whether it continues according to the original ideals of Free Speech, free from outside interference will depend on how many members of the Community, those who can, electing to become Verified Supporters or Pro Supporters. With enough support in the form of a reliable source of recurring funds the site will be able to continue even if enrollment fall off.
If a sufficient number of Community Members elect to move to one of the Supporting levels, there might even be adequate funding to offer additional features, One of which under discussion, which has been asked for by many, would require an additional server and associated costs.
Anyway, for our older members who have come to love what RightOnly represents, I would ask that you consider upgrading your membership to a supporter level, if able, according to your individual means and circumstance.
To those just joining us, it would be my hope that you would share our feelings for, and commitment to, RightOnly and the efforts made on our behalf by the Admin6 and decide to put your shoulder to the wheel and help us grow.
Thank you Gentle Friends, and a special shout out and thanks to the Admin6
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So whats the deal to many not verified or what is the problem costing too much or what?
  • November 22, 2021