Robby Mook Testifies: Hillary Clinton Personally Approved Leak of Alfa Bank Hoax to Media
Hillary Clinton personally approved an effort to leak allegations that Donald Trump was colluding with Russia via Alfa Bank, later disproven.
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, Den reacted this
We are witnessing the emergence of SINGING CANARIES!!! Don’t you just love it???
Did you know that when you search for on search engine…it takes you right to the White House website!!! Try it for yourself and see!!!
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, Amybtru4547 reacted this
It sure does. Did you also know when the bullets start flying with the freaking little Nazis that call themselves Antifa, we will obliterate them from the face of the planet. Antifa is Nazi. Nazi is Antifa. Do some homework on the whole Ukraine scenario, AZOV in particular.
And don't fall for the White House propaganda, waving your little Ukrainian flag. The Russian commies are killing the Ukrainian Nazis. I'm for that.
Me too…Nazis are the real enemy…and have been since the early 30’s. They’re like ACNE…no matter how much you squeeze them…they keep springing back with more putrid filled infections…teenagers usually grow out of this…Nazis keep filling the bucket
Just a thought…the leftists are HOPING that the Abortion Issue will be their savior in upcoming elections…ITS ALL THEY HAVE…They have nothing to stand on…everything has been a failure.
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Having the killing of babies as their only platform tells us all just how evil and degenerate the left really is.