Retired RN. Fed up with MSM, Facebook & Twitter. Refuse to be brainwashed by woke ideology & cancel ... View More
It’s true, I live in Los Angeles the Leftist run California!
How Texas Replaced California as the 'Golden State'
How did Texas displace California as the "golden state"? That's because California used to be the land of opportunity, and now Texas is.
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darnga, SJGlbPhotography reacted this
murphycat2012 shared a photo
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DC Police Union Fights Upcoming Vaccine Mandate
Commentary While Washington, D.C. ticks down on forced Covid-19 vaccination for government employees, the police union has filed ...
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SJGlbPhotography, Jennybgood reacted this
Terrorism is defined as using violence for political reasons. Incarcerating citizens without due process for over a year is violence. Yes, we have terrorists in our government.
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