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Lives in Buirmingham, Alabama, United States. Born on June 9, 1969. Is married.
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3 kids, happy family. Trump didn't lose libbies.
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Thinking about how middle school and high school children are grouped with these transgenders just because they feel like being the other gender. Imagine a boy faking being a girl so he can dress with... View More
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home school or private school sounds great. Im seeing schoolboard signs in my area that say "common sense government" for a demonrat incumbent. 1st: school board is government? 2nd: common sense and demonrat are contrary to each other!
  • October 24, 2021
    Louden County is showing us the effects of this wacko crap. Want the louden county rapist to get YOUR daughter? send her to public school!
  • November 7, 2021
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