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Male. Lives in Ventura, California, United States. Born on October 28, 1960. Is married.
About Me
Patriot, 3%er 2A supporter, CCW holder
#MAGA #BardsFM #JesusITrustInYou god is good.
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  • June 10, 2021
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    Jean Stricklett
    This whole illegitimate administration needs to be held accountable for the destruction they've brought about. He's a complete moron. And she's way outa her league, no brain, just that hideous laugh. We can't wait til 2022 to get things changed, has to happen ASAP
  • June 8, 2021
    It could happen in the next 5 minutes would make me hysterically happy
  • June 8, 2021
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    5 users reacted this
    Liberals think that we are as stupid as them. Most or all liberals actually believe that crap. Ive had that argument with a liberal. Its like arguing with a monkey. You think they understand, but then they act like a monkey and you know they didnt understand a word.
  • June 8, 2021
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