Just a reminder to the folks which still believe that this "chosen people" are our friends 😡
Remember "him"? Yes he is inspecting a airplane full with chemicals which are sprayed upon us and can be clearly seen in the skies as chemtrails, do you still think that the is for the average America... View MoreRemember "him"? Yes he is inspecting a airplane full with chemicals which are sprayed upon us and can be clearly seen in the skies as chemtrails, do you still think that the is for the average Americans and if so you are refusing to see the reality, be it DemonRats or Republicans both are on the same side which is the Cabal 😡 If Trump were really going after the deep state he would have encountered the same faith as JFK and Robert Kennedy and many more! Wanna get back the real America of our founding fathers? Then let's start to clean up the mess and kick out all of the damn jews because with them all the betrayals started! How much money was paid by the American taxpayers to support their zionist paradise? With the introduction of the so called Federal Reserve the modern slavery started, just look at Rothschild and Soros, to which tribe belong those "chosen people"? WAKE UP YOU SHEEPLE AND FACE THE REALITY, EVEN HENRY FORD WARNED AMERICA ABOUT THE DANGERS OF THE JEWS TOWARDS AMERICA AND THE FREE WORLD. COMMUNISM IS A CONSTRUCT FROM THE JEWS AND HOW MUCH MISERY HAS IT BROUGHT TO THE WORLD, THE FORMER SOVIET UNION AND CHINA ARE JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF WHAT COMMUNISM CAUSES TO THE FREE WORLD!
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