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Male. Lives in Tennessee, United States.
About Me
Fighting the good fight as a real American and a fish outa water lol Originator of Oath Of Office mo... View More
The people are going to need to stop this border crisis! You will not be able to count on the politicians!
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A simple solution that many overlook! Understand that politicians are using this in reverse to turn this country upside down! Solve problems! Don't create them! You will be richer in the long run w... View More
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Am I alone in thinking how damn weird it was how social media did this massive 180 after we got this great new President? How we were pushed away from staying active in what was going on politically?... View More
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Yeah, if China is owning all the networks I am alone and so are so many other real patriots!
  • September 17, 2023
    Will you allow yourself to be branded to find free and fair elections? Then you are part of their herd! You are owned like an animal!
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    So I get it! X IS promoting China! If you got China on your list they will promote you! If not you're posts are fucked! I think in essence China was the one who really bought this platform. He wa... View More
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    Remember how social media was before 2016? What happened to the fight we were waging? Our social mind was invaded by this country that wants to take us over! We've been a hard country to divide! Get harder into the fight to keep it that way! "A house divided against itself WILL FALL!"
  • September 17, 2023
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