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Male. Lives in Lubbock, Texas, United States. Born on June 30, 1953. Is widowed.
About Me
I believes in the Constitution, Small Government and The Right to Bare Arms. I also believe in Free ... View More
Gentle Friend, Patriotken You likely will be receiving an e-mail concerning a Status Change to your account. As a former Monthly Supporter in good standing of RightOnly, you are being restored to th... View More
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This is disturbing to the core – absolute evil. Another state is about to vote on a bill (sponsored by Planned Parenthood) that could legalize infanticide "for any reason" up to 28 days AFTER a helple... View More
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Spiritual Warfare I believe that not only are we in a battle of flesh and blood with good and evil, we are in a battle with Satan. I will try to explain. There are two primary issues to address rega... View More
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Ok Biden, it's time to sanction China's wheat from the U.S. since they are giving Russia their wheat. We need to strangle Russia from food and energy. I know it will be hurting the Russian people may... View More
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Biden has committed treason in my opinion. He needs to be removed from office. Also does Pelosi, Schumer and the worthless Vice-president. They all committed treason, this is just my opinion.
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