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Female. Lives in Yadkinville, North Carolina, United States. Born on March 5, 1993. Is single.
About Me
I am A RN , Red Blooded Patriot who Loves America and my freedom, Trump 2024
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there are so many social programs like welfare, subsidized housing, child care, free healthcare, and so much more, it's a wonder anybody DOES work. but you have to give up your integrity, self respect and voting rights. if enough of these people don't vote Democrat, the benes stop.
  • September 4, 2022 Edited
    Years ago when I lived in an apartment, the woman downstairs had a broken mailbox so her mail was placed in front of her apartment door. You could see all the welfare, housing, healthcare, and every other freebie delivered right to her door. She didn't even have to leave the building. She saved so m... View More
  • September 3, 2022
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