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Brian Lawliss

Male. Lives in Mesa, Arizona, United States. Born on July 5, 1952. Is single.
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Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored Imperfect but Forgiven Child of God!
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Gentle Friend, You are not only not stepping up to Support The Community without pleading circumstance (quite the opposite actually) you are encouraging others to follow your example. Why don't you t... View More
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Brian Lawliss
These are not WOMEN! They are Altered Men! Depriving young Women of their right to freely compete with other Women, not Altered Men! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trans-women-athletes-competitiv... View More
Brian Lawliss
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Brian Lawliss
The only way this Crap is going to completely stop, is if we eliminate ISLAM in the United States! https://www.foxnews.com/us/jewish-leaders-react-fbi-statement-texas-synagogue-hostages
Thanks for the acceptance ?
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Look two scumbags in the same bag !
  • January 19, 2022 Edited
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