MY PROFILE SAYS IT ALL Updated APRIL 6 2022 : Before complaining about something I post to admin, j... View MoreMY PROFILE SAYS IT ALL Updated APRIL 6 2022 : Before complaining about something I post to admin, just BLOCK ME so you never have to see something I post again. This is the only way I have figured out to make basically a private group, and leaves the option of not offending others. I believe in free speech so here is My personality. I am Blunt, sarcastic, I'm not offended by Adult Humor, I'm straight to the point , try to be well informed , Generation X, so you get an Idea of my age group, Try to be Non-Bias, Non religious, Conservative, Trump supporter. Patriot, Non combat Vet, Atheist. Take care of my own first, others second. I like a good debate and many topics. If I don't like someone's post, I usually block them from my feed so I don't have to see them. But If I smell a Troll, then I attack here. I defend people on this platform if I feel they are being wronged, so once again, Just Block Me, there is no need to Get admins involved, because they gave you this " tool ". This helps others stay free. Thank You Ahead of time.
About Me
MY PROFILE SAYS IT ALL Updated APRIL 6 2022 : Before complaining about something I post to admin, j... View More