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Female. Lives in United States. Is married.
About Me
I'm a Conservative Mother who loves God, my Family, American Patriots, President Trump, and freedom

Status Update

If you're a democrat, brainwashed by the left, I don't blame you, I blame your parents. Obviously you were raised without values, morals, integrity, or the ability to see truth, but most of all, the b... View More
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This was the last lib to hit the site, just yesterday. Dev2 wiped his comments (and mine unfortunately). https://rightonly.net/fatasssquirrel69
  • August 25, 2022
  • August 25, 2022
    Thanks! We will always have trolls, but obviously they're doubting themselves or they wouldn't be here.
  • August 25, 2022
    ‌Just a little coaching My Lady. When you start out "If you're a democrat, brainwashed by the left,", there is really nobody here that fits that description. They get run off pretty quick. The Community loves a good Troll Run, Play with them a bit until Admin catches us at it and takes ... View More
  • August 25, 2022
    Okay. I get what you're saying but honestly I don't care. I use this platform to release stress and if I get blocked I don't care. This is the problem with Republicans, they're too nice trying to be diplomatic, fight fire with water, not fire with fire
  • August 26, 2022