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Male. Is in a relationship.
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Only interested in ways to get our country back to being a free country.
When u grab someone's gun, be prepared to be shot. The gun owner is using self defense at that point, regardless of what else happened before or after. Communication is never required, but it doesn't ... View More
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Thank you friend!
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Welcome home Gentle Friend , you can find some brief tutorials by entering Tutorial in the Search Bar. This is a work in progress. Hopefully you will find what we've managed to put together helpful. F... View More
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Boycotting everything from the left especially those making vaccines mandatory! Will stop using banks if they start monitoring them not because I have anything to hide, just to boycott the whole idea ... View More
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I agree. really worried about the loss of privacy re my personal bank accounts: it isn't that I have anything sordid to hide....I just don't cotton to the idiots in DC snooping around my bank account.....they can't balance their own budget but think they need to monitor my pissant account?
  • October 13, 2021
    updated his profile information.
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