Christian nationalist, ultra MAGA, ex military, family man that believes Christ Jesus is my savior a... View More
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Well for some people but I went to trade school for Underwater Typewriter Repair just a few years before computers became popular......
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That’s the way it should’ve been 4 Years ago!! It’ll never Ever Happen or It would have already Happened! Damn Globalists DEMONRATS and RINO’S Have all But Destroyed our Country! SOROS has Planned this For DECADES!!
LJames2020Exactly. Too late to shut it. Each state will have to provide it's own solution & defense.
Our federal government has been weaponized against the people!! every government department, agency and NGO is led by someone corrupt and bought off to use its power against the American people in every way possible!! America's economy is being stolen and used to fund a huge, global crime syndicate!