Constitutional Conservative, God, Country, Home. Political News hound 45 plus years. Severe critic o... View MoreConstitutional Conservative, God, Country, Home. Political News hound 45 plus years. Severe critic of MSM, they lie for a living. Exposing government Corruption and lies to open America's eyes. Million's know what I'm talking about. Government changes tactics to blind the young, propaganda now the norm as they shread the Constitution and Bill Of Rights on a daily basis. 5 million laws on the books, tread lightly America, ask any Prosecutor to show an American and he'll show you a felony a day criminal.As they create laws convoluted enough to keep themselfs out of jail, they work at putting law abiding Americans under their boot. I'm not against Government, they are a necessary evil. I don't advocate violence against Government, you need to vote them out. Huge supporter of Police, God Bless these and all first responder's. Live remote in the woods. Retired from outside Chicago. Couldn't wait to get out of there. I enjoy life in the outdoors, retired at 53 because I could. Happily married 31 years. Enjoy like minded patroits on social platforms when I can but try not to make a habit of it. So God Bless you all for being here to spread truth and those who forever remain loyal to our blessed country. And yes I am a Trump supporter and have been since the early 90's. I guess thats makes me a do*estic te**orist by big G. I've lived 67 years as a free man and I will pass on as one under my Constitutional and God given rights. God Bless
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Constitutional Conservative, God, Country, Home. Political News hound 45 plus years. Severe critic o... View More
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