Go Vaxxx Yourself | Roaman (Covid NineTune #1)
Let’s agree to disagree ❌💉❌
“Wrath can be either good or bad. Self-centered anger generates evil, but wrath at social injustice becomes the driving force for reform. Strong language that censures and combats a great evil often awakens adverse reactions from society, but this must not intimidate those who believe they are right. A lion is a lion because he roars”
- Daisaku Ikeda
Keep roaring my friends ✊🏻
Lyrics :
You can keep your vaccination
And your sick indoctrination
I don’t trust you
I don’t believe what you say
You can cut me from society
I still got my community
And we’d rather do our thing anyway
I’m not anti-vax
I’m just anti-bullshit
And I’m aware of what you’re trying to do
Cause I got the facts
Stop trying to push it on me
I just want to live my life and be free
So go ahead and vax yourself
And your crazy lies
I’m immune because I opened my eyes
So go ahead and vax yourself
And your messed up plans
I’ll be in nature hit me up when it ends
For more uplifting music and rebel songs visit : https://www.RoamanMusic.com
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6 users reacted this
Good one!
Jvalen Im at work and couldnt listen to it so I shared so i can hear later. Glad its a good one
Ginger14 Hope you have a really good day ! 😀
Jvalen thanks and you also
Oh wow, stock car racers, yes?❤️
My cousins used to race from the late’40’s to mid ‘80’s . Used to love sitting on top of the car roof in the pit since I was old enough to walk every Friday & Saturday night. Back then racing families used to be allowed before all the track laws in NJ started. The government always ruins good, clean... View More
It is alot of fun, ive enjoyed for years. Govt ruins everything your so right. Thank you
RightOnly Dev Team
We are currently under a massive attack from the left they have made several thousand accounts in the past 4 hours, using stolen email accounts to make us look like spammers that will get us blocked b... View More
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I can.t afford anything until Feb I am on a fixed income, and the cost of everything is so wrong.