Just a American trying to get back the days when life use to be fun.. But now I have been shown this... View More
OUTRAGEOUS: But are They Poor? Unbiblical and Unconstitutional Welfare Now Has 59 Million Dependents » Sons of Liberty Media
“This is not doing unto others as they would have them do unto themselves.” First off, I would say that by no means am I saying that there are not people that do need our help. There are legitimat
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Now We Are Being Warned That Shortages Of Diesel Fuel & Electricity Are Coming In The Months Ahead » Sons of Liberty Media
On top of everything else that is going wrong, shall we add a diesel fuel shortage and a nationwide electricity shortage to the equation? I never imagined that I would be writing about such things
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As First US City Is Surveilled By DHS & Chinese Drone Company, China Sends Swarm Of Autonomous Drones Through Forest To Hunt Humans (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media
On Sunday, we reported that the Department of Homeland Security coordinated with a Chinese drone company to create the first totally surveilled city in the US. That city is Chula Vista, California.
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I have not been on for awhile.. maybe you all heard about this.. My brother inlaw told me about the numbers he heard of food farms and plants that had burned was like 25 or more.
I even think that Bill Gates would have a hand in this too.. So we can all eat fake food..
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