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Lives in North Hills, North Carolina, United States. 46 years old.
Can’t seem to find answers in a world filled with lies? Watch the series to see where the liars started! https://youtu.be/NfrUY2LsYJ0
In this video, I will highlight the fact that the Book of Revelation starts with a sad story and then ends with a sad story. At the same time, all the churches tell us to rejoice and rejoice about the... View More
Do you want to become a disciple of Jesus Christ? Lets see what it takes. Lets make it real. Then lets ask again if you are willing to sign up? Where are all the real Christians now?... View More
Why did Jesus say that poor people will go to heaven the kingdom of Heaven, the next earth, will be for them? At the same time, why did Jesus say its almost impossible for rich people to go to Heaven?... View More
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