I am 100% fighting for the United States constitution. America always first. Conservative and frus... View More
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VeritatemCognoscere, Hsexton, Kathy, LJames2020 reacted this
Every Bit True! It’s all corrupt Government and Big Pharma’s Plan! Healthy people Makes them NO Money! Billionaires are made off of Sick People!
wahoo51 shared a photo
You wouldn't let this decrepit ghoul drive you 2 blocks to the corner store but we allow it to make decisions that effect the entire populace
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Totally Sickening!! They all need to be Removed!! Have you noticed most Are old Treasonous DEMONRATS or Perverted mental patients!!
LJames2020 But we know that nobody is willing or able to actually put Traitors to Death. People these days are far too weak to do what must be done. #DeathToTraitors.... Present Day? Doubtful , people don't have the stomach for it The thought of public hangings like they did when they assassinat... View More
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My Question is! Is he still alive and Breathing? If not I bet he died under mysterious Circumstances!!!Dead men tell no tales!! DEMONRAT Code of Operations! Ask KILLARY’S Clinton! Wow I just seen the Small print! I knew it they Eliminated him like they did President JFK!!!!
LJames2020In small print (that I can now read since I recently had cataract surgery) it says "editor of leading European newspaper died shortly after this confession.
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