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Male. Lives in Charlotte. Born on September 12, 1961. Is married.
About Me
Italian American Ford truck driving Harley Davidson Riding American citizen
Apps of freaking lewdly
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She's going to be put out of the country like the rest if the trash the treasonous bastard Obama brought in. Dearborn Michigan, Austin, Texas, and many other cities will finally get their cities back. Praying for this evil to implode in the name of Jesus amen! ✝️👨‍👩‍👦🇺🇸❤🙏
  • November 9, 2021
    Under no circumstances let any one tell you that you have to vaccinate your child! .
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    For all concerned, just for me I will always defend our freedom and our true president Donald J Trump. Everyone in the free world knows that the Democrats in Congress or working at the behest of Barac... View More
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    For god sake’s anyone who loves our country and loves worshiping our God and all the freedoms that our ancestors have fought and died to protect, please help the conservative GOP calls to take back th... View More
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