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IDK much about the indictment of Trump.
I do know regardless of the outcome the judge involved will gain notoriety for it. Even IF all involved know it's a load of BS the a lot of wh... View More
I have a suggestion.
I've been using Mozilla Thunderbird for email usage. It blocks a LOT of bad things from getting in that all others "allow".
The "pretty, and highly graphic emails which often ha... View More
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Hi DocBravo.. thanks for the info on Mozilla Thunderbird. I did pull up their website and came across 'thunderbird for android' .. have they set it up yet?? I would like to add it to my smartphone, not my desktop. It states when they do have it available, it can be linked to my provider's email ad... View More
On the previous post, there is only one human race. No?
Every human of one color can procreate with another and the same. That, biologically and scientifically proves we are one race and one species.
... View More
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