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Male. Lives in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Born on February 1, 1960. Is married.

Status Update

It appears that George Kelly, the Arizona Rancher who was aressted for killing a trespassing wetback did have a Gofundme started by citizens, but of coarse, the Commie Gofundme removed it!
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Then people should just send checks to his wife. Someone needs to help that woman run her ranch.
  • February 9, 2023 Edited
    HighHeels‌ Has that other site. Give send go. started a fund?
  • February 14, 2023
    Yes it did but I don't know anything about it. Can it be trusted? The lady should get a PO Box and people can send her money there. Is there anyone who knows her and can help her. How is that old lady going to care for that ranch alone?
  • February 14, 2023
    HighHeels‌ I don’t know, I’ve only heard Tucker talk about it. Hopefully fellow ranchers there are helping. I live way north of that part of AZ .
  • February 14, 2023
    Is George Kelly free now?
  • July 13, 2023