I'm just a red blooded free American and if you dont like this country find one that suits you and m... View More
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tambourinegirl, LJames2020 reacted this
Good morning, Bryan!
tambourinegirl Good morning Tam.
BryanV Glad to see you around!
tambourinegirl Thanks. 1st of june is when my subscription ends
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, tambourinegirl reacted this
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, PatriotCin reacted this
Good morning folks,I have cancelled my membership. I will miss some of you here, but i have some issused that need to be addressed. Y'all have a Blessed life
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LJames2020, tambourinegirl reacted this
Hate to see you go, Bryan. Take care. Hope to see you on Truth Social sometime...
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tambourinegirl, LJames2020 reacted this