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Male. Lives in Goldendale, Washington, United States. Born on September 7. Is single.
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Your words surround you like a fog and make you hard to see....
All these people who are running against Mr. Trump, all I hear them saying ( at least on the news) is how bad Trump is. Nothing about Biden!!! (RINO ALERT!!!)
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When car parts cost an Arm and a Leg. 🤔
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Listen up Buttercups! As someone who actually grew up watching PePe LePew (and all those “BAD” Saturday morning cartoons), I never saw Pepe as a rapist or promoting rapist culture. HELL I didn’t eve... View More
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Cancel Culture members have a very pervert mind, thus even innocent things become sexual. I agree, I love Saturday morning cartoon, but I've never thought that dropping an anvil on those folks I don't like was a good ideal! Back in the late 60's and 70's when I was a young child, we thought child'... View More
  • May 4, 2023
    This coronation news thing is out of hand. Do you really think I care, What you eat and what you wear?
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    Hi there how re you doing today
  • April 27, 2023
    At this point all I want to know from Budweiser is when the auction is and how much for the opening bids for the Clydesdale's!
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