on June 22, 2022 33 views
Klein Oak football coach Jason Glenn sends a powerful message to his players amid anti-racist protests around the country.
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Prophecy Guy
Go, Coach = It's the Godless Democrats & Blacks = Who are the Racists...
  • June 22, 2022
    C‌alling the "Blacks" racist (as a general statement) is pure RACIST dude. People are INDIVIDUALS. You can't lump people together and call whole groups racist. The commie democrat leadership does that because they are driven by a satanic agenda. That doesn't mean all Americans who vote o... View More
  • June 22, 2022
    Prophecy Guy
    Quique - Billyboy ‌ People, who vote Democratic...have Problems. 1st - They do not believe in God...they think he is foolishness, and his Bible is foolishness...and they do not want to commit to God. Therefore, they have hardened their Heart to God; therefore, their Evil Spirit and Nature makes th... View More
  • June 22, 2022
    Y‌our analogy is so full of holes. People are INDIVIDUALS with individual souls. The Democrat Party no longer exists. It's been overrun by EVIL. Sorry.
  • June 22, 2022