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Male. Lives in San antonio, United States. Born on January 22, 1972. Is single.
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the real question should be is if the Earth is round how is their gravity since gravity according to scientific fact is the inward pull toward the center of a mass of an object if a flat Earth has gravity then it would collapse a flat Earth into a sphere which is the most space saving geometric shap... View More
  • September 1, 2021
    If you were on a train moving at 100mph and the ceiling light fell down in your cabin, it would appear to fall straight down. Motion is relative. In fact, you've proved this yourself every time you accidentally dropped something in your car while you're going down the road. It never seems to fly ... View More
  • September 28, 2021
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    Side effects come later in life. Smiles
  • October 17, 2021
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    It's called refraction. The sun is so far away, that even at the speed of light (383,000 miles per second) it takes 8 kinutes for the lught to reach earth. Thus, upon looking into the sky, you see the sun where it WAS 8 minutes ago, not in it's exact current position on the horizon.
  • August 21, 2021
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    Wrong science proves that it's a spinning ball science also as well as observation proves that consolations are different in the northern and southern hemisphere
  • September 1, 2021
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