on October 7, 2021
I have decided to make this where I share things and simply write nothing of myself ever to anyone connected to this account. While there are annoying cry people on every website, maybe there will be less.
I posted a double jabbed survival guide here last post, if anyone is and would like to see if it cures them, it would help if I could get some basic results on if it improved anything.
If you don't know about the babies that aren't still borns: https://rumble.com/vn5dy3-black-eyed-baby-born-to-mother-in-mexico-after-the-stab.html
I'm sure you all know about Perma-pal the jab parasite by now. Who here needs a red-pill on the injecteds infecting them in a process usually called viral shedding, which is of course so much worse with a death jab than a normal vaccine.
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