on October 5, 2021
We don’t have a viable choice for governor this year in Virginia, so there is a state-wide campaign to write in Amanda Chase. Many people are afraid to split the vote, but those people are holding us back. McAuliffe is deep state Democrat and Youngkin is a proven RINO who refuses to discuss election fraud. He truly believes that Obiden won the 2020 election, and he even admits that he would have certified it. Time is running short. Many people believe that the election is fixed for the Democrats, and many others refuse to vote for Youngkin. As someone once said, "What have you got to lose?" Please spread the word far and wide. If we could at least get the people who have already decided not to vote, that would be a big head start right there!
#Virginia #electionfraud #RINO #republicans #democrats #electionintegrity #bidencheated #communists #vote #don’tvoteforrinos #liberty #freedom #saveamerica #savevirginia
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