on October 3, 2021
AMANDA CHASE for VIRGINIA GOVERNOR 🇺🇸 She calls out liars, points fingers, names names, and makes no apology. AMANDA CHASE for VIRGINIA! #Virginia #electionfraud #RINO #republicans #democrats #electionintegrity #bidencheated #communists #vote #don’tvoteforrinos #liberty #freedom #saveamerica #savevirginia
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Yet another possible ambiguous and pedestrian Republican? What guarantees is she making about if she doesn't perform to our expectations? Or just more mumbles, apologies,pointing fingers, calling out with no consequence?
  • October 3, 2021
    The other two candidates have proven histories of supporting left-wing agendas. The Virginia Senate censured Amanda Chase because she attended the January 6 rally, she supports President Trump, and she speaks out against election fraud. The RINO on our ballot believes Biden won. It’s pretty clear
  • October 3, 2021