on September 17, 2021
(ENG) "DataFolha: Bolsonaro's rating worsens and a 53% failure is a new record for the president"
(ENG) "DataFolha: Lula da Silva is ahead of Bolsonaro and, in a 2nd round, has 56% against 31%"
(ENG) "Population points to professional journalism as the most reliable source to get information about elections, says DataFolha"
(ENG) When an institute lacks credibility, it has to do polls itself to say it is reliable - and still fight with the images.
(PT-BR) Quando um instituto não tem credibilidade, ele mesmo tem que fazer uma pesquisa para si dizer confiável - e ainda brigar com as imagens.
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M Colin B Sterling
  • September 17, 2021